最近项目中需要将业务对象直接序列化,然后存数据库;考虑到序列化、反序列化的时间以及生产文件的大小觉得Protobuf是一个很好的选择,但是Protobuf有的问题就是需要有一个.proto的描述文件,而且由Protobuf生成的对象用来作为业务对象并不是特别友好,往往业务对象和Protobuf对象存在一个互相转换的过程;考虑到我们仅仅是将业务对象直接序列化到数据库,发现Protobuf在这种情况下并不是特别的好; 这时候发现了Protostuff,protostuff不需要依赖.proto文件,可以直接对普通的javabean进行序列化、反序列化的操作,而效率上甚至比protobuf还快,生成的二进制数据库格式和Protobuf完全相同的,可以说是一个基于Protobuf的序列化工具。简单测试
1.先测试一下Protostuff 提供一个简单的javabeanpublic class Person { private int id; private String name; private String email; // get/set方法省略}
public class PbStuff { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Schemaschema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Person.class); Person person1 = new Person(); person1.setId(1); person1.setName("zhaohui"); LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(1024); byte[] data = ProtobufIOUtil.toByteArray(person1, schema, buffer); System.out.println(data.length); }}
proto文件option java_package = "protobuf.clazz"; option java_outer_classname = "PersonX";message Person { required int32 id = 1; required string name = 2; required string email = 3;}
public class PBTest { public static void main(String[] args) { PersonX.Person.Builder builder = PersonX.Person.newBuilder(); builder.setId(1); builder.setName("zhaohui"); builder.setEmail("xxxxxxxx@126.com"); PersonX.Person p = builder.build(); byte[] result = p.toByteArray(); System.out.println(result.length); }}
1.Schema schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Person.class); //获取业务对象Person的SchemaRuntimeSchema是一个包含业务对象所有信息的类,包括类信息、字段信息/** * Gets the schema that was either registered or lazily initialized at runtime. ** Method overload for backwards compatibility. */ public static
Schema getSchema(Class typeClass) { return getSchema(typeClass, ID_STRATEGY); } /** * Gets the schema that was either registered or lazily initialized at runtime. */ public static Schema getSchema(Class typeClass, IdStrategy strategy) { return strategy.getSchemaWrapper(typeClass, true).getSchema(); }
ID_STRATEGY = new DefaultIdStrategy();
public final class DefaultIdStrategy extends IdStrategy{ final ConcurrentHashMap> pojoMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final ConcurrentHashMap > enumMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final ConcurrentHashMap collectionMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final ConcurrentHashMap mapMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); final ConcurrentHashMap > delegateMapping = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); ...}
publicHasSchema getSchemaWrapper(Class typeClass, boolean create) { HasSchema hs = (HasSchema ) pojoMapping.get(typeClass.getName()); if (hs == null && create) { hs = new Lazy<>(typeClass, this); final HasSchema last = (HasSchema ) pojoMapping.putIfAbsent( typeClass.getName(), hs); if (last != null) hs = last; } return hs; }
public staticRuntimeSchema createFrom(Class typeClass, Set exclusions, IdStrategy strategy) { final Map fieldMap = findInstanceFields(typeClass); ...省略 final Field field = RuntimeFieldFactory.getFieldFactory( f.getType(), strategy).create(fieldMapping, name, f, strategy); fields.add(field); } } return new RuntimeSchema<>(typeClass, fields, RuntimeEnv.newInstantiator(typeClass)); }
static final RuntimeFieldFactoryBIGDECIMAL; static final RuntimeFieldFactory BIGINTEGER; static final RuntimeFieldFactory BOOL; static final RuntimeFieldFactory BYTE; static final RuntimeFieldFactory BYTES; static final RuntimeFieldFactory BYTE_ARRAY; static final RuntimeFieldFactory CHAR; static final RuntimeFieldFactory DATE; static final RuntimeFieldFactory DOUBLE; static final RuntimeFieldFactory FLOAT; static final RuntimeFieldFactory INT32; static final RuntimeFieldFactory INT64; static final RuntimeFieldFactory SHORT; static final RuntimeFieldFactory STRING; static final RuntimeFieldFactory ENUM; static final RuntimeFieldFactory
2.LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(1024);
开辟了1024字节缓存,用来存放业务对象序列化之后存放的地方,当然你可能会担心这个大小如果不够怎么办,后面的代码中可以看到,如果空间不足,会自动扩展的,所有这个大小要设置一个合适的值,设置大了浪费空间,设置小了会自动扩展浪费时间。3.byte[] data = ProtobufIOUtil.toByteArray(person1, schema, buffer);
ProtobufIOUtil提供的就是以Protobuf编码的格式来序列化业务对象public staticbyte[] toByteArray(T message, Schema schema, LinkedBuffer buffer) { if (buffer.start != buffer.offset) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer previously used and had not been reset."); final ProtobufOutput output = new ProtobufOutput(buffer); try { schema.writeTo(output, message); } catch (IOException e) { } return output.toByteArray(); }
public final void writeTo(Output output, T message) throws IOException { for (Fieldf : getFields()) f.writeTo(output, message); }
/** * Writes the value of a field to the {@code output}. */ protected abstract void writeTo(Output output, T message) throws IOException; /** * Reads the field value into the {@code message}. */ protected abstract void mergeFrom(Input input, T message) throws IOException; /** * Transfer the input field to the output field. */ protected abstract void transfer(Pipe pipe, Input input, Output output, boolean repeated) throws IOException;
下面以int类型为实例,看看实现:public static final RuntimeFieldFactoryINT32 = new RuntimeFieldFactory ( ID_INT32) { @Override public Field create(int number, java.lang.String name, final java.lang.reflect.Field f, IdStrategy strategy) { final boolean primitive = f.getType().isPrimitive(); final long offset = us.objectFieldOffset(f); return new Field (FieldType.INT32, number, name, f.getAnnotation(Tag.class)) { @Override public void mergeFrom(Input input, T message) throws IOException { if (primitive) us.putInt(message, offset, input.readInt32()); else us.putObject(message, offset, Integer.valueOf(input.readInt32())); } @Override public void writeTo(Output output, T message) throws IOException { if (primitive) output.writeInt32(number, us.getInt(message, offset), false); else { Integer value = (Integer) us.getObject(message, offset); if (value != null) output.writeInt32(number, value.intValue(), false); } } ... }; }
public void writeInt32(int fieldNumber, int value, boolean repeated) throws IOException { ... tail = writeTagAndRawVarInt32( makeTag(fieldNumber, WIRETYPE_VARINT), value, this, tail); ... }
public static LinkedBuffer writeTagAndRawVarInt32(int tag, int value, final WriteSession session, LinkedBuffer lb) { final int tagSize = computeRawVarint32Size(tag); final int size = computeRawVarint32Size(value); final int totalSize = tagSize + size; if (lb.offset + totalSize > lb.buffer.length) lb = new LinkedBuffer(session.nextBufferSize, lb); final byte[] buffer = lb.buffer; int offset = lb.offset; lb.offset += totalSize; session.size += totalSize; if (tagSize == 1) buffer[offset++] = (byte) tag; else { for (int i = 0, last = tagSize - 1; i < last; i++, tag >>>= 7) buffer[offset++] = (byte) ((tag & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[offset++] = (byte) tag; } if (size == 1) buffer[offset] = (byte) value; else { for (int i = 0, last = size - 1; i < last; i++, value >>>= 7) buffer[offset++] = (byte) ((value & 0x7F) | 0x80); buffer[offset] = (byte) value; } return lb; }
public static int makeTag(final int fieldNumber, final int wireType) { return (fieldNumber << TAG_TYPE_BITS) | wireType; }
前面提到的数据压缩在方法computeRawVarint32Size中体现出来了:public static int computeRawVarint32Size(final int value) { if ((value & (0xffffffff << 7)) == 0) return 1; if ((value & (0xffffffff << 14)) == 0) return 2; if ((value & (0xffffffff << 21)) == 0) return 3; if ((value & (0xffffffff << 28)) == 0) return 4; return 5; }